Currently | December 2019

Coming at you, live from my couch as my sweet kids sleep and my own brain won't turn off for me to catch up on all the sleep I didn't get last night! I'm 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and my typical third-trimester-pregnancy insomnia has really set in. Last night I was randomly WIDE AWAKE for a few hours at 3 am. (Has this happened to anyone else?!) When I was in the third trimester with Emma, I used all my middle-of-the-night alertness to research emergency c-sections and c-section recovery. Totally logical. I know.

But let's move on.

It's December, we just celebrated gratitude and are looking forward to all the festive things. This month I'm linking up with Anne on what we've been up to currently.

Currently, I've been...

up the year with a lowkey December calendar. We don't have too much on the schedule, which feels AMAZING because hello, super pregnant, and also: it makes the few Christmassy events we DO have even fun. There's something to having a laidback season of family time and free time! (Here are my 11 tips for a stress-free week before Christmas that totally apply to all of December!)

Christmas movie nights with my husband! I wrote about our tradition of watching one Christmas movie each night from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve, which was selfishly helpful to me to compile a list of all the movies we want to watch each year. Last night, we watched Home Alone 2 and because we've seen it so many times, we laughed our way through the whole movie with our own scathing commentary running in the background.

homemade bread (this recipe) to go with our favorite white chicken chili (recipe from my friend Christina!). This week I also plan to bake cookies with my kids and nephew! (What happens when you bake/decorate cookies with 3 kids under 4? That sounds like the start to a good joke but also is just my plan for Thursday!)

our Christmas tree with the strands of lights that are fully functional. And the half-working strands of lights have been relocated to the bedrooms! It adds a little festive glow to the rooms that generally don't get decorated, and who cares that only half the little bulbs actually light up?!

all my mom friends text messages on deals on local memberships. We live near a Legoland, and memberships were suddenly 50% off!! Have you gotten good deals on any Black Friday shopping? (Are you that friend that also texts everybody about a great sale going on?!)

What have you been up to currently? 

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