Exploring Local | Tabora Farms

Kids and fall are great reasons to get out and visit places around me that I've never gone to before. We live just outside Philly (literally 5 minutes from the city limits), which puts us in a great spot to easily drive deeper into the suburbs for some things and head into the city for other things. You don't need kids as an excuse to visit a new place, though, so please don't write this off because there are adorable babies in the photos and that's not your thang. Instead, I hope it inspires you to see what's around that you've never been to before and helps you start making your own list of local places to explore!

For all you Philly area friends looking for more to do, I've already written about visiting Morris Arboretum in the fall, enjoying Maple Acres in the summer, kayaking at Peace Valley Park, and walking through Spruce Street Harbor Park, and wandering through the Elmwood Park Zoo

And now we can add Tabora Farms to another "local" adventure. (You can use the term "local" when it took you 40 minutes to drive there, right? That's a thing? Ok, cool, yeah thanks for agreeing.)

They have a FULL ON BAKERY AND DELI. That's the real reason to visit. (Apple cider donuts for less money than any Dunkin Donuts donuts? Why, yes, that IS my new love language.)

They have a ton of outdoor seating. There are a few goats and rabbits, there is a small corn husk/hay bale play area, there are go-carts you can pedal around a small track, there is a huge sand box and playground. There also was an orchard, but I'm pretty sure we missed apple-picking season! Have I convinced you that you need to visit? 

Devin and I even went back an evening this week and got sandwiches for dinner at their impressive deli, and our kids loved playing on the playground & hay bales at sunset! 

Did you see that goat poking his head out of the fence?! Also, behind the scenes of that last picture: the ONLY way I could convince Aiden to come be in a picture with me was when I was throwing hay up in the air!

What fun things have you been up to recently? Have you visited anywhere new? 

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