Toddler Stocking Stuffers (Under $10)

Toddler Stocking Stuffers for less than $10, and won't drive parents crazy! These gifts are all fun AND/OR useful, and toddlers will love them! #toddlers #momlife #Christmas #giftguide

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Let's talk about kids presents at Christmas. The temptation for us parents is to buy our kids everythingggg, when, in reality, they don't need much! If money is tight this year, just skip the big expensive gifts fill a stocking with actually useful and genuinely fun things. None of these are crappy dollar-store toys that'll be in the trash by New Year's. All of these ideas are things I am getting or am considering getting for Aiden & Emma's stockings this year, since they're almost-3 and 1. If you don't have kids, then use these suggestions for what to get your friend's kid this Christmas. She'll love that you thought of her little one (and didn't buy them some obnoxious noise-making toy that needs batteries) and a $5 gift for a toddler won't break the bank, either. :)

I also have a list of kids books that don't suck, if you'd rather gift a book to a little one!

Useful & fun toddler stocking stuffer ideas: 

  1. Crayola Bath Dropz 

  2. Play Doh (can you believe this 10-pack is only $8 and ships FREE?)

  3. A water bottle that's ACTUALLY NONSPILL like this Contigo autospout kids one with a button that pops out a straw, or a Camelbak Eddy kids bottle

  4. Draw with water coloring pad...a.k.a. mess-free coloring!

  5. Paw Patrol pocket tissue packs (useful and adorable and maybe the toddlers will let me blow their noses now that I've got special packs of tissues?)

  6. Healthy snacks that toddlers actually love. My kids go NUTS for the Happy Baby organic blueberry-beet flavored rice cakes. It's crazy. They fight over them. Who'd have thunk?! (And Happy Baby isn't even paying me to talk about them. My kids just love it so dang much I had to include it!)

  7. Fun Christmas socks (and these come in multiples, so will I be ordering one pack and dividing them up between Aiden and Emma? YASSS.)

  8. This $7 flash light--perfect for lighting up the forts we build 

Toddler Stocking Stuffers for less than $10, and won't drive parents crazy! These gifts are all fun AND/OR useful, and toddlers will love them! #toddlers #momlife #Christmas #giftguide

What are some of your favorites to get in your Christmas stocking? What little gifts have you loved in the past? 

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