Peddler's Village in December

There is something magical about tiny lights at Christmastime. My regular-sized, 60-watt bulbs in my dining room chandelier: not magical. Little mini lights wrapped around literally anything: veryyy magical.

It's science, or something. I don't make the rules. That's just how it is.

If we can head out into the actual freezing cold to see some pretty lights, you totally can too. May this inspire you to at least Google pictures of lights (or look outside again and see what lights your neighbors have put up). 😉 

I've talked about visiting Peddler's Village over Labor Day Weekend (back when Aiden was tiny!) when it's warm! and sunny! and you can wear shorts! But for the first time, Devin and I just took the kids there for the lights and it was just as fun to walk around as it was two years ago in September.

We ate dinner at this very cute, veryyy family-friendly pizza place with brick interior walls, lots of seating, and tons of dinner options around $10 each. There happened to be lots of families with little kids there (and people without kids, too!) so it was less noticeable when Emma let out a particularly piercing shriek (still not cool tho, Em).

Then, we bundled Aiden & Emma up and headed out to walk around the picturesque shops, covered in Christmas lights! We walked up and down the brick walkways, and through a fun tunnel of lights (see it in my Winter Fun highlights on Instagram!). It was 100% free to walk around, which means if it was a total disaster, it's not an expensive loss. 😉 

Aiden loooved getting to run around in the courtyard area in the center of the village (this was before the poor kid broke his leg...), and that helped him warm up! It was so cute to see him taking in all of the different lights, some wrapped around trees, some covering enormous bushes, and some around the picturesque gazebos.

Emma literally had Devin's heated jacket that he uses when he has to work outside draped across her lap like a blanket (no worries of her getting too hot though, we checked), her jacket, and mittens on. She looked like the adorable stroller-baby version of the little brother in A Christmas Story.

P.S. Do you know how hard it is to take and then edit photos at night/now you know how I have lots to work on. Be gentle with my camera struggles. 😉 

Do you go look at Christmas lights, too? What festive things are you up to this time of year? 

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