Before & After Becoming a Mom // Part 1

Thanks for sending me an item to review, PinkBlush. You're the realest and I love you. (Too far? 😉 )

I get the vibe that some people assume that having a baby changes EVERYTHING ABOUT LIFE and thus changes EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU. "If you have a kid, your personality will drastically change as you suddenly are only able to discuss diaper brands and sleep schedules. Suddenly you turn into a boring schmuck who can't hang out ever because you had a baby".......right?

I promise, it's not like that. (Actually, maybe for some people, it is?)

Here I am, over a year into being a mom, and I can confidently say that I'm still the same me. Sure, things change and life looks different, but I haven't gone off the deep end with skirted bathing suits & "the mom cut." 😉 (Thanks, Chelsea, for getting me thinking about all this!)

Before & after having a kid, I still...

1. mostly clueless. When I was in college, in my first year of teaching, and now in being a mom: I generally have no idea what to do (hello, it's all new) and I rely on prayer, advice from those wiser than I, and trial-and-error. 

2. ...have to run style choices by my trendy younger sister. Being a mom has not made me out of touch with fashion: I was that way before I birthed a child. My poor sister (who took these pics!) still gets texts like "I'm in Ross, this is $15, is it cute? Is it worth it?" Thanks to PinkBlush for helping me not stay 3 years behind trends 😉 P.S. I wore that kimono in 90-degree sunshine and it was so light and breezy I forgot I had it on.

3. ...tell long and pointless stories. Instead of them being about things my students have said to me, they're sometimes about things Aiden did today. Sorry, Devin. (Jk he loves it....right????)

4. crafting. Exhibit A, B, and C

5. the piano on a worship team. I've done this (with a few short breaks) ever since 7th grade when I joined our youth group team. Now, my piano-worship-practice time is interrupted by a baby climbing up on my lap and pushing keys with me. Before, my practice times were interrupted by my own easily-distracted mind. 

6. ...get energy from being with people. As a teacher, that was built into my day and friend-dates were scheduled into my calendar. Now, I have to put more effort into filling my week with baby-friendly meet-ups and activities. Just the same, quality time with others is still important to me and is something I make time for! #Extrovertlife

Spring Bump Style // thanks to @ShopPinkBlush

Has a major life event changed things for you? Are you still the same before and after some big life change?

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