at long last, i have returned to bloggingly updating my summer, which may give the impression that i lazily ignored it for a while. but that's a vicious untruth.
after my family trip to colorado, i dove headfirst into co-leading the week of preparation for my church's vacation bible school (a 9:30-3 PM endeavor) and worked every evening after the VBS prep until 8PM.
so, pretty busy. i haven't even had time to talk to my roommate nor my best friend about their month-long trip to india (feel free to update me with the haps of that epic trip, guys!)
going back a the 7 days spent in the most radioactive state (thank you, environmental science class)...we did alot of hiking (usually above 10,000 feet of altitude, which meant i could NEVER catch my breath), some swimming in a hot spring, and we even had a snowball fight on the 4th of july (my favorite holiday, even though we saw ZERO fire works this year. wah).
welcome, my friends, to colorado.
ice caves. underground. did i mention that white stuff is ICE?!
about to go for a quad ride with the fiance and my sistah.
trying not to get the nitty gritty dirt blown in our faces by maintaining a ridiculously far following distance.
the view on our quad ride.
fastest speed: 21 mph
on a lunch hike.
the fiance and my sisters (notice how becky grabbed for his hand? ADORBS.)
don't worry. i'll add our most epochal hike (mount sherman...or sherbert... if you're my 10-year-old cousin) later this week, in between grabbing my safari shirt/binoculars and leading kiddies in the best jungle VBS they've ever been to. :)
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