39 Weeks | A Coffee Date

Hello, 39 weeks! And Happy New Year to everyone else who isn't celebrating the weekly mile markers of incubating a small human inside them.

As it turns out, having your entire family get sick with the flu is  GREAT way to combat the third-trimester impatience of "WHEN IS THIS BABY GOING TO GET HERE." For 7 days straight, my kids were sick, and somewhere in there both Devin and I caught their fever/cough/runny nose symptoms. In one week, I have used Target Drive Up three times to get essentials like juice, flonase, 14 boxes of lotion-infused issues, and other sickness-related items. I'm sure the employees there were bringing my items out to my car, just wishing they could toss them from afar because clearly I have the plague.

From 36-38 weeks, I was bouncing on my 5-Below $5 birthing ball and doing all the old wives' tales to get labor started. And the past 7 days? I've basically just laid on the couch with my kids and shuffled to the fridge to get them more juice because THE DOCTOR SAYS STAY HYDRATED.

But here I am, starting week 39 of this pregnancy, and feeling healthy enough to deliver a baby. Plus, despite my kids still coughing and yelling, "MOM! A BOOGIE!" every 5 minutes when they have snot start to run down their faces, I am confident that Aiden and Emma could survive sleeping over at a grandparent's house. Just a few nights ago, they were waking up every few hours miserable and crying! But last night? Everyone slept through the night! (Except me. You know my pregnant self dragged myself to the bathroom no less than 3 times.)

Whew, I've complained enough about sickness!!

I'm really, really excited for this sweet little girl to get here. Her bassinet is built (by Devin!), her newborn-sized clothes are washed and put away in her dresser, her carseat is cleaned and ready to go to the hospital with us. (Plus, I'm ready to not have to STUFF myself into maternity shirts that I thought would always be too big for me!)

Well, if we were getting coffee, I'd finally let you chime in with what's new in your world. How were your holidays? What are you loving these days? 

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