Currently // December 2017

Happy December! I love driving through the neighborhoods and seeing all the lights, and I'm also looking forward to wrapping presents in the dollar store's cutest paper. You think the dollar store's paper is crappy and tacky-looking? False. Only SOME of their wrappings are tacky. 😉  This will be Emma's first Christmas and Aiden's second, and this year Aiden's going to get a bike with training wheels and everywhere we go he points out "bike! bike!". I literally can't wait!!

This is my favorite link-up, this month hosted by Anne & Catherine. Join in and share what you've been up to recently.

Currently, I've been... 

Lighting: this candle (pictured above) and also our gas fireplace. It heats the house up SUPER effectively and though it doesn't beat the smell of a real fire in a fireplace, I love how easy it is to use!

Spending: all the dollars at Amazon. Devin and I have budgeted and so far we're staying on track with that, but why shop around at real stores when I can have a stranger bring the package right to my front door (thus alerting the dog and sometimes causing me to yell "Jake! It's ok! He's already gone! It's just a coffee-maker being delivered!").

Choosing: to turn to Jesus, especially on the hard days. Lately, I've been struggling with feeling pretty inadequate, between trying to be a good mom to Emma & Aiden plus keeping up with cleaning/dishes/laundry and all of life's other responsibilities. But I know this is only a season, and I'm choosing to refocus on the One who's in control 😊 

Sending: (hmmm...this is a good reminder that I need to send off thank-yous for the baby gifts from when Emma was born AND start sending Christmas gifts to my friends that live far away!)

Singing: whatever Alexa Our Amazon Dot puts on when we tell her, "Alexa, play Christmas music." Also fun is telling her to play "alternative Christmas music"/"acoustic Christmas music"/"pop Christmas." I'm REALLY looking forward to singing all the Christmas carols at our candlelit Christmas Eve service at church with all my family present!

What have you been up to currently? 

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