Spring Cleaning Playlist

Yesterday was 70 degrees and beautifully sunny, and when that type of weather hits all I want to do is be outside OR be outside doing yard work! I can't be the only one that feels super motivated when it starts getting nicer out! I used Aiden's nap time yesterday to rake out the front flower beds from all the leaves and sticks that have accumulated, and it felt so productive to be using a rake + the 1 gardening glove I could find. Now if only I had found some headphones so I could have listened to this playlist while I worked...

However, now that it's April and thus rainy (and sometimes still cold), the spring cleaning will have to be inside. Lucky for us, this playlist works for whether you're outside pulling strange pieces of trash and leaves out of your yard OR you're de-cluttering inside.

Theme song to the playlist is This Is What You Do:
It's always like springtime with you
Making all things new
You're light is breaking through the dark 

What have you been cleaning recently? What do you listen to while you clean?

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