Memory Verse Fall Printables

I've mentioned before how memorizing verses is important to me, though I definitely don't do it as often as I should! In my list of ways to refocus on Jesus throughout the day, I included sticking verses where you'd see them (like the bathroom mirror). Another obvious place is by using Scripture to decorate! With these printable options hung on your walls, memorizing verses becomes so much easier, since you'll see the verse so often. 

This fall, I'm adding these two simple verses to my list of what to memorize and be reminded of all day long. (Scroll to the bottom for the download links!)
Psalm 34:1 is the basis for the super popular worship song, and it's cool to have the actual verse memorized so whenever you sing the song you know where the lyrics are coming from! What's interesting is that David writes this psalm when he's being chased by his super crazy, power-hungry son. When I'm in trouble, do I set out to praise God at "all times"?? (Answer: probably not. I'm much more prone to whining.)

Psalm 100:4 in full says, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." Again, it's a call to be praising the merciful one who saves us (from our whiny, broken state 😉). 

In case you wanted to make your own graphics: I created the wreath graphic from freebies from The Creative Market, which is also where I got this font, Bromello.


What are you decorating with this fall? Are you currently trying to memorize anything?

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