teacher style // instead of a backpack

up until last week, i was tromping around town with a heavy-duty, hiking-ready, giant "mobile desk," as i affectionately called it. (teachers without their own classroom, unite!) it was great, in that it held e v e r y t h i n g: my bluetooth speaker for playing audio clips/songs in spanish, all my folders, a textbook, my laptop, cute flats, sometimes my lunch, pencils/paperclips/scissors, a 32 oz waterbottle, my umbrella, a make-up bag...

but the downside was that i looked like a kid. plus, i looked ridiculous trying to wear a pencil skirt and flats with a hiker's backpack weighing me down. however! i found this glorious bag in the aisles of target, and now it's my new favorite thing. i can't fit all that crap in this bag, but that's a good thing! i can't imagine teaching for 30 years and wearing that hefty backpack every day. now, i've got it streamlined, so all i'm carrying is...

my laptop, a few papers to grade, pens, headphones, and mascara.

downsizing is a beautiful thing.

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