mother's day DIY gift

the beauty in having both sides of the fam close is that devin and i can make the rounds and visit everyone on holidays like mother's day. yesterday, we had dinner with his family, and then trekked the 15 minutes to my family for dessert (progressive dinner, much? haha)...we did break down and buy the typical flowers for his mom, but we also got a little creative, too (like buying my mom springy clothes because she shops for everyone in the fam but does anyone go shopping for her? now the answer is yes). 

i am so blessed to have godly inlaws, and my mother-in-law is really special. she looks out for me, which includes invitations for coffee on a saturday morning to talk about how i feel like i'm fitting into the family (and other considerate things.) when i was SUUUPER sick with the flu on christmas, she still let me come visit if i felt up to it, and she gave me her softest blanket to curl up in while everyone opened gifts, not concerned with the sickie germs i was inevitably passing onto it. 

so, for the first mother's day officially in their family, i wanted to make her something special:


thank you, scrapbooking punch outs and stickers :)

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