DIY Punny Valentine's

It's no secret that I love cards. Apparently when Valentine's Day rolls around, I decide to make cards (exhibit one and two). This February I'm hosting a Galentine's Day and, in the spirit of Leslie Knope, I want to have a card for each friend that arrives! (I also plan on mailing cards to all you lovely ladies that can't make it/live too far away to come eat waffles and paint nails together.)

All I used for these little cards (because things are cuter when they're smaller, right? Like baby toes and mini sandwiches) was glitter, cardstock, a sharpie, and a glue stick. You don't need much to make these simple cards!

I've scoured the Internet, card stores, dark recesses of my brain (turns out I'm not as witty as I thought because I could only come up with like one pun idea), and here are the best Valentine's Day card puns I could come up with:
  1. I like you a waffle lot (with a sketch of a waffle)
  2. You'll always have a pizza my heart (with a picture of pizza)
  3. If you were a fruit, you'd be a fine-apple (with a pineapple pictured)
  4. I love you, pho real (next to a drawing of pho/noodles)
  5. I donut know what I'd do without you (accompanied by a donut picture)
  6. You donut know how much I love you (see above)
  7. For your highly educated philosopher friends: Live without you? I Kant (with a little picture of Immanuel Kant)
  8. Love is in the air (with a hot air balloon)
  9. Words cannot espresso how much you mean to me (with a cup of coffee)
  10. Let's (taco) bout how amazing you are. 

What puns would you add to this list? Are you doing anything to celebrate Valentine's Day or Galentine's Day? 

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