liebster award

dear readers, go hop over to morgan's blog, the yellow door diaries.
she has graciously nominated me for a liebster award, and below are the rules + my answers to morgan's 11 questions!

Who in your life do you most admire? Why?
gary haugen. he started international justice mission and is making a difference for Jesus. also i read his book in a literature of human rights class. 

Name one new skill you'd like to learn.
i reaaaaaallllllly want to play the guitar. i've tried before, but i gave up too easily. i can do the G-D-Em-C fingering, but can't do strum patterns.

What is your all-time favorite book?
(besides the Bible, #obnoxiouschristiananswer) one of my favorite books is redeeming love by francine rivers. 

Do you have any siblings?
yes! i have 3 awesome younger siblings who are way cooler than me. you can read more about them here!

Chocolate or Vanilla?
neither! fruit-flavored. strawberry? sour apple?

 If you could meet up with anyone for coffee, living or deceased, who would it be?
winston churchill or william wilburforce. some BA, culture-changing men. 

Describe your perfect Saturday.
wake up early. run. play with our dog jake at a park. picnic lunch. evening with friends around a bonfire. 
bonfires are the best. 

What was your first email address or screen name?
amerigurlzrock. don't judge. 

Name one item you carry with you everywhere, all the time.
wedding rings! i can't say my car keys or my phone because i constantly lose them.....

Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what?
the bachelor. i wait til the season ends so i can watch the whole season through on ondemand/netflix. who wants to wait a week at a time for a new episode?!

Why do you blog?
because i like writing. because it's a fun way to document things. because it's a community. 

and my nominees are.......
olivia @ lil gunnell family
robyn @ robyn's nest
sarah @ sparkling crane
victoria through*for*by
bethany the southern couture

ladies, here are the (10, not 11) questions i'd love to hear your answers to! feel free to tweet my your post link if/when you answer them :)

  1. When did you first start blogging, and why do you blog? 
  2. What would your ideal vacation include?
  3. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
  4. What's your favorite book?
  5. Describe yourself in 3 movie titles. 
  6. What advice would you want to share with your readers?
  7. What is the most memorable place you've been?
  8. What is your favorite meal?
  9. What would your ideal date night include?
  10. Are you a morning person or a night person?