serving 201

how to serve at a Young Life Camp:

set up 64 tables so that 500 people can eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and brunch at their weekend retreat. 
make sure the knives are facing IN at each place setting. 
ALWAYS work from the outside of the room to the inside, so that each table is systematically set with placemats, napkins, plates, forks, knives, spoons, and cups. in that order. 

 serve the food with a smile!

 my sister, me, elyse, and kirsten, working on our photo-creativity during one of the few breaks we got. 

kirsten and i stumbled into our rooms at 2 am on friday night, after being 2 of 4 people from our group of 30 to stay late and serve the campers their "midnight" snack of pizza...which actually got served at 12:30, hence the late bedtime. 4 hours later, it was time to set up and serve breakfast. 

(for all of you who think i need my 8 hours of sleep, which i used to obstinately hold fast to...i don't. i worked a fullllll day on 4 hours of sleep!!!)

we also got to see reilly perform a concert on saturday night, since they there all weekend, leading worship all weekend for those lucky 450 campers!

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